21/03705/DIS |
Mr Richard Dixon |
28th July 2021 |
Discharge of condition 3 (materials) and condition 4 (windows) for the erection... |
Pending Consideration |
21/03692/ADV |
Mrs Sara Humphries |
27th July 2021 |
Erect and display two fascia signs, one projecting sign and two internal... |
Pending Consideration |
21/03448/TPO |
BML Hayley |
27th July 2021 |
To crown lift up to 3metres and reduce over extended branches on spread only by... |
Pending Consideration |
21/03683/FUL |
Slater |
27th July 2021 |
Erection of single storey side extension to end of terrace house (revised... |
Pending Consideration |
21/03641/TCA |
Emma Croall |
27th July 2021 |
To fell 1no Conifer and 2no Pine trees, within Shrewsbury Conservation Area |
Consent By Right - Trees |
21/03650/TCA |
Major Russell Foulcer |
27th July 2021 |
To remove new growth front and rear to bring back off pavement by no more than... |
Consent By Right - Trees |
21/02874/FUL |
Mr Anthony Higgins |
27th July 2021 |
Alteration to boundary wall, construction of a driveway with dropped kerb... |
Pending Consideration |
21/03163/FUL |
Mr Russell Beesley |
27th July 2021 |
Demolition of front garden wall and gate to create a gravel driveway with a... |
Pending Consideration |
21/03671/FUL |
Mr Robin Bennett |
26th July 2021 |
Repairs to existing wall and increase in height by 0.45m of existing northern... |
Pending Consideration |
21/02931/FUL |
Mr Lerner |
26th July 2021 |
Application under Section 73A of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 (part... |
Pending Consideration |