
Home » Planning
Reference Applicant Application Date Proposal Status
16/00229/FUL Mrs R Jagoe 20th January 2016 Erection of part single storey part two storey extentions; formation of second... Granted
Brookhills 21 Ridgebourne Road Shrewsbury Shropshire
16/00218/FUL Mr Simon Cassidy 20th January 2016 Erection of replacement porch and garage following demolition of existing... Granted
Riverside 31 Berwick Road Shrewsbury Shropshire
16/00107/TCA Mr P Williams-Rowe 19th January 2016 Notification of works to trees to include the felling of one horse-chestnut... No Objection
10 Darwin Gardens Shrewsbury Shropshire
16/00164/DIS Mr Steve Swann 19th January 2016 Discharge of condition 3 (Contaminated Land), 7 (Landscaping), 8 (Landscape... Granted
Former TA Centre Sundorne Road Shrewsbury Shropshire
15/05588/AMP Mr And Mrs S And A Marneros 19th January 2016 Non-material amendment to previously approved planning permission 13/00476/FUL... Granted
Land Adjacent 34 Dale Road Shrewsbury Shropshire
16/00181/FUL Lidl UK GmbH 19th January 2016 Erection of retail store, associated car parking and servicing facilities, site... Awaiting decision
Land At Oteley Road Shrewsbury Shropshire
16/00103/FUL Jennys Catering 18th January 2016 Change of use from electrical trade counter (existing B1 and B8 use) to food... Granted
24 Vanguard Way Battlefield Enterprise Park Shrewsbury Shropshire
16/00199/DIS Mr Jonathan Mitchell 18th January 2016 Discharge of conditions (amended desccription) Internal alterations and... Discharge Conditions Part Approved
11 And 12 Belmont And Shrewsbury Cathedral Shrewsbury Shropshire
16/00206/AMP Mr & Mrs R Allmark 18th January 2016 Non-Material Amendment for the reduction of length (to rear) to both first and... Granted
The Weirlands Oteley Road Shrewsbury Shropshire
16/00170/FUL Mr And Mrs Bernard Littler 15th January 2016 Erection of single storey rear extension following demolition of existing lean-... Granted
145 Belle Vue Road Shrewsbury Shropshire



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