
Home » Planning
Reference Applicant Application Date Proposal Statussort descending
19/00026/TCA Mr Andrew Wright 3rd January 2019 Selectiveley reduce side limbs by approximateley 1m of 5no Birch within... Pending Consideration
21/04063/CPL Environment Agency 1st September 2021 Application for a Lawful Development Certificate for the proposed replacement... Pending Consideration
19/04217/TCA Miss Vicky Hill 24th September 2019 To Fell and (replace) 1no Apple Tree within Shrewsbury Conservation Area Pending Consideration
20/03084/AMP Mr and Mrs Williams 7th August 2020 Non material amendment to reduced to a single storey project and associated... Pending Consideration
19/02113/FUL Mr & Mrs K Swain 10th May 2019 Erection of a single storey extension with pitched roof to front elevation of... Pending Consideration
21/01312/FUL Mr Jonathon Hughes 15th March 2021 Erection of a two storey extension to side Pending Consideration
20/00693/FUL Mr Paul Majski 24th February 2020 Erection of 1no replacement dwelling and double garage following demolition of... Pending Consideration
19/01188/COU Royal Mail Group Ltd 14th March 2019 Change of use for use as Mail Centre and Independent Vehicle Servicing Centre Pending Consideration
19/05346/FUL The Managing Trustees Of Belle Vue Methodist Church 12th December 2019 Installation of replacement doors to front elevation (Article 4 Direction) Pending Consideration
18/05096/DIS Charters Property Ltd 5th November 2018 Discharge of Conditions 5 (Windows & Doors), 9 (Railings) and 10 (External... Pending Consideration



All planning applications can be viewed online on the Shropshire Council Planning Website. Open the site and type in the application number and you can view the application and proposed plans.

Planning applications within the Parish borders and to be dealt with by the Council are located on the left of this page.